
  • osx 12.5.1
  • mysql8.0.30

Public Key Retrieval is not allowed

db manager: DBeaver

  1. Right click your connection, choose “Edit Connection”
  2. On the “Connection settings” screen (main screen) click on “Edit Driver Settings”
  3. Click on “Connection properties”, (In recent versions it named “Driver properties”)
  4. Right click the “user properties” area and choose “Add new property”
  5. Add two properties: “useSSL”(false) and “allowPublicKeyRetrieval”(true)

Forget password

  1. Click system settings
  2. On the “system settings” panel, Click on the MySQL icon below
  3. Click ‘Initailize Database’ button
  4. Then enter a new password, and select a type of the password encryption
  5. Restart the MySQL
