<template> <div class="calendar-list-container"> <!--expand-row-keys设置了row-key也要设置, expand-change 当用户对某一行展开或者关闭的时候会触发该事件(展开行时,回调的第二个参数为 expandedRows;树形表格时第二参数为 expanded) row, (expandedRows | expanded)--> <el-table ref="table" key="id" v-loading="listLoading" :data="list" element-loading-text="loading" row-key="id" :expand-row-keys="expands" @expand-change="expandChange" > <el-table-column align="center" type="expand" > <template slot-scope="scope"> <!--价格日历渲染 --> <el-calendar v-loading="calendarLoad" element-loading-text="loading" > <template slot="dateCell" slot-scope="{date, data}" > <!--今日及之后的价格可设置setPrice --> <div :class="nowDay <= data.day.replace(/-/g, '')? 'calendar-div' : 'calendar-div calendar-prev'" @click="nowDay <= data.day.replace(/-/g, '') && setPrice(data, date)" > <div>{{ data.day.slice(-2) }}</div> <div v-if="data.type == 'current-month' && refreshPrice(data)" class="price " > 预订价:{{ priceList[data.day.slice(-2) -1] }}元 </div> </div> </template> </el-calendar> </template> </el-table-column> <el-table-column align="center" label="名称" class-name="overflow-on" > <template slot-scope="scope"> {{ scope.row.name }} </template> </el-table-column>
<el-table-column align="center" label="图片" width="210" > <template slot-scope="scope"> <img :src="scope.row.imageList[0]" style="width:150px" > </template> </el-table-column>
<el-table-column align="center" label="今日价格" max-width="200" > <template slot-scope="scope"> <span>{{ scope.row.price }}</span> </template> </el-table-column>
<el-table-column align="center" label="原价" max-width="200" > <template slot-scope="scope"> <span>{{ scope.row.original_price }}</span> </template> </el-table-column>
<el-table-column align="center" label="操作" > <template slot-scope="scope"> <el-button type="primary" @click="handleCheck(scope.row)" > 价格设置 </el-button> </template> </el-table-column> </el-table>
<el-dialog title="设置价格" :visible.sync="dialogPriceVisible" > <el-form class="small-space" :model="temp" label-position="left" label-width="100px" style="width: 500px; margin-left:50px;" > <el-form-item label="名称"> <el-input v-model="temp.name" disabled /> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="时间段"> <el-date-picker v-model="temp.date" type="daterange" range-separator="至" start-placeholder="开始日期" end-placeholder="结束日期" :picker-options="pickerBeginDateBefore" /> </el-form-item>
<el-form-item label="分时计价" prop="is_part" required > <el-radio v-model="temp.is_part" :label="0" > 不分平时周末 </el-radio> <el-radio v-model="temp.is_part" :label="1" > 区分周末 </el-radio> </el-form-item> <el-form-item label="平时价"> <el-input v-model="temp.normal_price" /> </el-form-item>
<el-form-item v-if="temp.is_part == 1" label="周末价" > <el-input v-model="temp.week_price" /> </el-form-item> </el-form>
<div slot="footer" class="dialog-footer" > <el-button @click="dialogPriceVisible = false"> 取 消 </el-button> <el-button type="primary" @click="putPrice" > 确 定 </el-button> </div> </el-dialog> </div> </template>
<script> import { fetchList, setRoomPrice, getRoomPrice } from "@/api"; import moment from 'moment';
export default { name: "room", data() { return { pickerBeginDateBefore:{ disabledDate(time) { return time.getTime() < Date.now() - 86400*1000; } }, schedule: [], list: [], dialogPriceVisible: false, dialogFormVisible: false, priceDate: '2020-01-01', nowDate: 1, nowMonth: 1, nowDay: 0, nowYear: 2020, calendarMonth: 1, priceList: [], expands: [],//只展开一行放入当前行id room: {}, listLoading:false, calendarLoad: false, }; }, created() { this.priceDate = new Date(); this.nowDate = this.priceDate.getDate(); this.nowMonth = this.priceDate.getMonth(); this.calendarMonth = this.nowMonth; this.nowYear = this.priceDate.getFullYear(); this.nowDay = this.priceDate.getFullYear()*10000+ (1+this.priceDate.getMonth())*100+ this.priceDate.getDate(); }, methods: { refreshPrice (data) { // console.log(data); if (!data.isSelected) { return true; } if (data.day.slice(5, 7) == this.calendarMonth + 1) { return true; } this.calendarMonth = data.day.slice(5, 7) - 1; var that = this; getRoomPrice(that.room.id, {'date': data.day}).then(response => { var arr = []; response.data.priceList.forEach((item,index,array)=>{ arr[index] = item? item : that.room.price; }) that.priceList = arr }); that.$forceUpdate() }, getRowKeys(row) { // console.log(row.id) return row.id //这里看这一行中需要根据哪个属性值是id }, selectDate(type) { // consoloe.log(type) }, expandChange(row, expandedRows) { // console.log(this.expands) var that = this; that.room = row; // 每次只展开一行 if (expandedRows.length) { that.calendarLoad = true; getRoomPrice(row.id, {'date': this.priceDate}).then(response => { that.calendarLoad = false; var arr = []; response.data.priceList.forEach((item,index,array)=>{ arr[index] = item? item : row.price; }) that.priceList = arr that.expands = [row.id] }); } else { // 收起价格日历 that.expands = [] } }, setPrice(data, date) { if (this.nowDay > data.day.replace(/-/g, '')) { return false; } var that = this; this.temp = { name: that.room.name, date: [date, date], is_part: 0, }; this.dialogPriceVisible = true; }, putPrice() { this.dialogPriceVisible = true; setRoomPrice(this.room.id, this.temp).then(res => { if (res.code == 0) { this.$message.success("编辑成功"); this.dialogPriceVisible = !this.dialogPriceVisible; var that = this; getRoomPrice(that.room.id, {'date': this.temp.date[0]}).then(response => { var arr = []; response.data.priceList.forEach((item,index,array)=>{ arr[index] = item? item : that.room.price; }) that.priceList = arr }); fetchList(that.params).then(response => { that.list = response.data; }); that.resetTemp(); that.$forceUpdate() } else { this.$message.error(res.msg); } }); }, // 用于可展开表格与树形表格,切换某一行的展开状态,如果使用了第二个参数,则是设置这一行展开与否(expanded 为 true 则展开) handleCheck(row) { const $table = this.$refs.table $table.toggleRowExpansion(row) } } }; </script>